Leo, Noah familj, familjeliv, tvåbarnsmamma

So small

It's amazing and quite scary that he is already starting to grow out of this "new born" look. At least to me. The little squished face is looking rounder and smoother, his eyes are bigger and brighter and the size 50 clothes are already starting to feel just a little tight. Babies grow too fast, can someone stop the time?
Two weeks old today and so far he has been a very content baby without much fuss, except for tonight when he cried for about 1½ hours....it is stressful, and even moreso when Noah gets anxious because of it.. Ah well, babies tend to cry a lot in the evenings so it's best to just get used to it.
Last week we had some nice weather and Noah stayed at home with us all week to get some time to settle in with our new family member. We spent quite some time outside, playing in the garden and going for walks while Chris cleared some more of the fallen trees.
It has been a hard time for Noah to suddenly lose so much of my attention. The first few days he tried to push Leo off my lap and was rather rowdy in order to get attention. He can still be. But he seems to have gotten more used to his little baby brother and he evenasks to hold him now. Last night when Leo was crying, Noah tried to soothe him by reading him a book, which was super cute!
One of our biggest challenges right now is to remember that Noah is still very small, and to not put too much expectations on him behaving well and orderly all the time. He is only 2 years old, and that's a very tough age to become an older sibling. Not old enough yet to understand all the changes, but big enough for parents to expect a lot. We must remeber to lower our demands on him. That doesn't mean permit everything, but to have some understanding and empathy. Much of his "misbehaviour" right now comes down to only one thing: not wanting to feel left out. 
I'm very happy that Chris is able to be at home a lot more now, I don't if I could have coped otherwise!